Windows 7-8 Guidelines

The brief

Orange needed to bring their applications in line with a variety of Windows platforms, and so asked for a set of mobile application guidelines. These guidelines covered Windows Phone 7, 7.5 and 8, and Windows 8 on tablet and desktop.

My approach

  • I researched the current Windows guidelines and monitored these during the course of the project to keep up-to-date.
  • I ensured throughout that Orange guidelines for mobile applications on Windows platforms aligned with the latest Microsoft publications, matching in both terminology and general accuracy.
  • Leading on from that, I presented the information at various workshops and clinics with Orange stakeholders. These presentations spanned a wide range of internal teams, including usability experts, designers, developers, product managers, device managers and brand experts. 
  • We implemented a consistent user experience for Orange mobile applications across the various Windows platforms.
  • Throughout this project, I led the research and design, and conducted workshops for the Windows 8 and Windows Phone 7.5 – 8 guidelines.

The results

  • We defined the standards for Orange mobile applications across the Windows platforms.
  • The platform guidelines were created to help Orange design and development teams to create Orange applications. These were consistent with the platform and the Orange brand experience.
Client: Orange